Antonis Tsolakidis
Antonis Tsolakidis was born in Kilkis, in 1940. In 1947, his family settled in the refugee district of Sykies Municipality, in Thessaloniki. As soon as he finished school, he started working as a whittling apprentice beside craftsmen of the formerly known as ''Karekladika'' of Athonos square. Up to 1980, he practised several professions such as whittler, cabinetmarker, and plaster decoration manufacturer. Possessing this innate talent drawing, sculpture and handicrafts from an early age, Antonis Tsolakidis studied Arts History for several years, through bibliographic research and by visiting museums and art galleries, both in Greece and abroad. In 1981, he decided to engage with art activities solely and created drawing, whittling and marble sculpting artworks. He started teaching whittling at NELE (Prefectural Authorities for People's Education) and in 1993 he became a member of the Chamber of Fine Arts of Greece (EETE). Antonis Tsolakidis falls into the category of exceptional people since nature has gifted him with great aptitude of drawing, marble sculpting, whittling and many other artistic skills. He constructed plaster decorations for large edifices in Thessaloniki, as well as exquisite woodcut rood screen for churches and monasteries, unique pantograph models and designs for church furniture factories and several precision machining models used for manufacturing.
He has been honored on several occasions with praises and awards. His artwork has been featured in newspapers and magazines as well as television shows both in Greece and abroad (Australia,Canada and USA). His artwork was also exhibited in Greece, Italy and the Czech Republic. He is the published author of a book entitled ''Η τέχνη της ξυλογλυπτικής'' (Whittling Techniques) among others of social, historic and political interest.

As a Greek culture admirer, inspired by the Greek element, the artist created works of art that undoubtedly comprise tangible cultural heritage of Greece. The artist owns three exquisite art gravures as well as a remarkably rich folkloric collection, consisting of 600 pieces.
Collections mentioned above as well as woodcuts, marble sculptures and paintings by Antonis Tsolakidis are available to buyers and art collectors who would desire to acquire all or part of them.
Proper artistic techniques have been applied to all pieces of artwork by Antonis Tsolakidis, in order to avoid decay and deterioration over the course of time. They meet all requirements so as to remain intact for hundreds of years.
The painting frames have been varnished with disinsection and wood protection products. The canvas is made out of cotton and linen. Also, high-quality paint, diluted exclusively with linseed oil, has been used. Finished artwork is finally varnished with the extra fine French Dammar varnish.
Woodcut art is created with linden, walnut and ayous timber on their natural colour and is then varnished and protected from insects, dust and humidity. The same applies to woodcut painting frames, all of which are handmade by the artist.
All works of art are originally and uniquely designed by the artist himself and none of them comprises art reproduction.
Buyers interested in acquiring the whole or a part of the collection should contact us in the form below or via email (kallistiartgr@gmail.com).
Kind Regards,
Helen Stiv.

In the Czech Republic, Tsolakidis artwork pieces were exhibited in five art museums in the respective states, Rosnov, Jeseník and Brno for a whole year. His artwork pieces were also displayed in the cultural hall of the Rimini International Exhibition, Italy.